Lean and Six Sigma Executive Overview

(Course No.: KEY-LSS-001.00)

A strong top level management drive is the key to successful deployment of Lean and Six Sigma. This 2-day seminar will introduce the concepts and philosophy of Lean and Six Sigma and will teach executives how to lay the groundwork for success. The curriculum focuses on developing the understanding, skills and role definition of the executive team in a change initiative, allowing them to lead the program and achieve business results. .


CEO or one of his or her first-level reports, and sometimes second-level reports. Executive should have a significant voice in the strategic direction of the company or organization and have the ability to adjust personnel, capital and time constraints at the business unit level.

Who Should Attend?

CEO, COO, CFO, Vice Presidents and Key Business Leader


This 2-day seminar will help prepare the executives to lead their organization towards successful deployment of Six Sigma. The workshop includes an overview of the Six Sigma methodologies, deployment strategies, the scientific tools and methods, role definitions, measurement and management controls.


Two Days

Key Topics

  • Client Executive Presentation
  • Executive Interview Summary
  • Methodology Overview
  • Deployment Structure
  • Deployment Case Studies
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Project Selection
  • Managing and Sustaining
  • Deployment Action Planning


Engaging, Practice-Driven Learning Courses