Basic Statistical Process Control

(Course No.: KEY-QT-001.00)

This 2-day seminar is designed to help participants understand basic topics in Statistical Process Control (SPC) through presentations, examples, actual data analyses and structured learning exercises.

Participants will learn how to implement SPC in industries with set up variations, slow and rapid tool wear, and with chemical processes where concentration adjustments occur on a daily basis. The seminar will also help expand the participant’s ability to address non-normal, multivariate, and unilateral variables through heavy emphasis on data analysis and the study of the effects on the processes using eight types of control charts.

This seminar is consistent with the DCX, Ford, GM manual Statistical Process Control, 2nd edition


  • Basic knowledge in computational mathematics
  • Practical understanding of elementary applied statistics
  • Participants are required to bring laptop computer (or at least a calculator) in the training room

Who Should Attend?

  • Individuals who have direct responsibility for defining and developing their organization’s measuring, monitoring and analytical practices through data collection, charts and statistical tools appropriate for their products, processes, business goals and objectives
  • Individuals searching for ways to improve, monitor and sustain good performance of their processes

Seminar Materials

Each participant will receive a seminar manual, including workbook and all team exercise materials. Participants are required to bring a laptop computer or calculator to the class

Seminar Goals

  • To present a hands-on approach to learning the principles and practices of advanced SPC and Process analysis
  • Explain optional statistical methods when traditional SPC practices have failed or are inadequate
  • Understand the uses and benefits of advanced control charts and be able to construct and interpret them
  • Understand the role that SPC plays in the overall process control strategy

Course Outline

Chapter 1: Continuous Improvement

  • SPC Introduction
  • Product Control and Process Control
  • Relationship Between Quality and Product Capability

Chapter 2: Continuous Improvement

  • Dot Plot and Column Plot
  • Mean and Median
  • Standard Deviation and Range
  • Sample and Population

Chapter 3: Variance

  • Common Cause and Special Causes
  • Stable and Unstable Process
  • Time Series Plot

Chapter 4: Sampling

  • Sample
  • Sampling and Capability
  • Sampling and Control Strategy
  • Sample Mean Xbar

Chapter 5: Control Chart

  • Xbar and R Chart
  • Xbar and S Chart
  • Calculating Control Limits
  • Selecting Appropriate Control Chart

Chapter 6: Control Chart Interpretation

  • Signals of Out-of-Control
  • Reaction Plan

Chapter 7: Process Capability

  • Process Capability Index
  • Process Capability and Product Capability
  • Capability Analysis with Control Chart
  • Variance Resources Management
  • Gauge R&R Analysis

Chapter 8: Individual Value Plot

Chapter 9: Attribute Data Control Chart

Chapter 10: New Control Chart in SPC 2nd Edition

  • Control Chart Based on Statistic
  • Control Chart for Small Volume Production
  • Control Chart Sensitive to Mean Drift
  • Non-Normal Control Chart
  • Other type of Control Charts


Engaging, Practice-Driven Learning Courses